A Daily Declaration

These words are a powerful way to re-align yourself with your power. They will assist you in regaining a sense of wholeness, clarity, and purpose throughout your day. Whenever you choose to use them, it's worth noting that they are best said aloud and with strong intention behind each word. If you struggle to express your voice it's important to recognize that you should never be ashamed of speaking affirmations, prayer, or mantras out loud. In fact, this is when they are most powerful. God needs to hear your voice in order to hone in on you. Words are a vibration and when you call out your intentions, you'll be surprised how quickly the universe aligns itself with your desires. That being said, here's a good daily mantra: 

" I call all parts of my being here now. I allow my soul to fully merge with my body and heart. I recognize the value of immersing my spirit into the present. I remember that I am always safe and never alone. I am at ease with this process of alignment. I know I came here with a purpose. I am ready and willing to discover what lights my inner fire. I welcome the comfort and insight of connecting to my divine self. I drop all habits of disassociation and resistance. As a human being, I understand I will encounter daily opportunities for my own unique evolution. I honor these blessings and introduce myself to the objective perspective of my awareness. I open my mind to feelings of inspiration, passion, & pleasure. I recognize these feelings are simply by-products of living with an open heart. I welcome the healing that occurs by staying true to myself in times of turbulence. Here and now I step into my courage and honor my strength within. I believe in my heart's ability to transmute any negativity that may arise today. By choosing to live openhearted, I am committing myself to my experience here on Earth. I am ready and willing to take the steps towards a life of total service. "

When we take the time to dedicate ourselves to aligning with our heart, it's amazing how many positive shifts that take place throughout our day. Instead of falling into our old chronic patterns of reactivity or distress, we develop the ability to maintain higher levels of awareness as life brings about opportunities for change. A daily mantra and affirmations are invaluable in their assistance in raising our frequency and helping us fully embody our soul. When we practice becoming unified with our heart and spirit, our mind can then begin to re-establish trust in the unknown. I hope these words can assist your own inner journey or at least help inspire you to find new words that resonate with your powerful inner-guidance.

Much Love,

~ Austin


Becoming A Conscious Consumer


Drop The Thought