A course designed to help one master the mindset of wealth and RISE above financial fear.

What if you could have total clarity about how to find more joy in your life, live with more peace, passion, and purpose?


To help people like you RISE out of the poverty (lack) mindset and start actualizing your soul’s greatest potential.

Broken down into two key parts; The RISE Mindset & The RISE Method, this course will teach you exactly how to regulate your mentality, harness your intention, and realize the life of your wildest dreams.

This course revolutionized my life as I was channeling it into being. There were nights where I could feel the energy pulsating through my hands as I put each module together… so needless to say, it is POWERFUL.

This course will not only help you call in more money and opportunities, but it will teach you the deeper meaning of what it means to be RICH so that you can set yourself up for a life of unconditional love, joy, and freedom.

Once you learn the energetic principles of wealth such as The Law of Attraction and Manifestation, you can begin to understand why certain financial challenges arise and what to do to move through them with more ease, gratitude, and certainty.

This course will also feature in-depth Social Media Mastery modules which will help give you all of the tools you need to begin showing up online in ways that can guarantee an increase in your influence and income.

Oh and did I mention, this will be an affiliate course? That means you’ll be able to SELL it to your own audience and keep 50% of the profits?

How’s that for a smart investment?


  • Yes!!! This is for anyone and everyone who wants a deeper understanding of finance, money, and how to reach your goals to live a more fulfilling life.

  • Once you understand the fundamentals of what it means to be RICH and how to RISE out of poverty-think, you'll be more equipped to confront life's challenges and actually generate measurable momentum towards your goals and aspirations.

    ( not only that, but you'll actually be able to apply what you learn to re-sell the course to as many people as you like and keep 50% of the profits )

  • This course will be pre-recorded which allows you to watch and learn at your own pace.

  • Of Course! Not only will you learn about the RISE Mindset and Method, but also how to market your brand, product, or service on social media and grow your personal audience.

    This section of the course is called Social Media Mastery and will feature several powerful modules to help you maximize your influence and income using the tools of online business and digital marketing.

  • Because this is a digital course, once you purchase it there are no refunds.

    However, I want you to feel empowered and sure about your decision to purchase it so please feel free to email me with any questions you may have beforehand.

    ( I always encourage people to re-sell the course afterwards to put to practice the teachings and make your money back in as little as two sales. )

Become Financially Free and Spiritually Wealthy.

Become Financially Free and Spiritually Wealthy.


    Your Mindset determines your entire reality.

    In this Course you will Learn:

    What the RISE Mindset is and how to use this mindset to attract riches.

    How to regulate your emotions and RISE out of poverty-think.

    How to master the matrix and bend reality to your personal WILL.

    Why your INTENTION is key to breaking free.

    The importance of self-realization in terms of spiritual sovereignty.

    The power of persuasion and how to sell ethically and authentically.

    Social Media Skills to help you increase your net-income and influence.

    *As a Bonus you will be able to re-sell this course as an affiliate and keep 50% of the profits.