Finding The Flow

Life is meant to be easy. Contrary to popular belief, you're not meant to force and will your way to some end accomplishment. This is what I call using too much effort to "achieve" the things you want. Anytime we feel we need to use will-power to accomplish and achieve, that is a sign that we're way out of alignment with our natural creative energy and actually living our lives through the mind and all of its illusions rather than the sacred place of our heart. 

This is going to sound like a bit of a surprise but it's exactly what most people need to hear: 

The Universe (God) wants you to live your life to the fullest. The creator wants you to become all that you were born to be and it will assist you in doing so. All you have to do is allow yourself to let go of the burdens of control and resistance. In other words, find a way to keep your heart open and everything will work out by divine design.

The trouble is, instead of honoring our own inner worth, joy, and wholeness here in the present moment, we are taught to search outside ourselves for gratification and fulfillment. We are programmed to believe that in order to be satisfied with life, we need to achieve external things in order to be happy. This is exactly what causes people to live life with so much pressure and tension. We learned through the "education" system, our parents, and society that success, fulfillment, and happiness needs to be earned in this world. That life itself is "hard" and requires "sacrifice". Sacrifice of our love, joy, wonder, curiosity, and inner child. This of course isn't spoken outright, but more or less instilled into our subconscious through our personal experiences. We were taught from a very young age to use effort and willpower in order to force our way through life to get the things we think we want. Of course, there's nothing wrong with wanting things as a whole. In fact, desire, purpose, and passion itself is a big reason for being here in physical form. You came here to be a conscious creator of your life experience. You came here to enjoy and savor all the great things this world has to offer. But as life went on, you've unconsciously allowed your ego and your emotional well-being to become attached to external manifestations rather than realizing that freedom and love itself is an inner state of being and is 100% your given BIRTHRIGHT. This state of inner confusion is what leads people to living with the consumerism and materialistic mindset. This is when materialism itself becomes a pitiful replacement for the unconditional happiness, peace of mind, and personal freedom that exists within you at all times.

This unbearable weight of neediness and inner lack has caused so many people to overwhelm themselves into a constant state of bitterness and chronic stress. When people forget how to access their inner well of love and peace, they easily fall into the never ending rat-race of accumulation and achievements. The ego itself becomes their biggest demise and it seems they can never have enough Money, Time, Energy, Sex, Fame, Followers, Etc. This is of course by design. I believe this "loop of lack" is what keeps our broken society functioning. Instead of putting the main focus on cultivating love, unity, and freedom, our society is built upon the backs of hard labor and sacrifice; all while promising the fantasy of relaxation at the beginning of our retirement. Can you start to glimpse the bigger picture? 

So long as you continue searching outside yourself for satisfaction, you will never truly know the meaning of inner peace and clarity. Living based on achievements and/or manifestations keeps you trapped in the dependency of meeting your life's constantly changing conditions. To unlock your natural state of freedom you've got to start putting your focus on your state of BEING rather than forcing yourself into DOING. This shift in perception starts to activate your precious awareness in the present moment and suddenly you start noticing and remembering the truth; That how you FEEL is truly what matters most in this life. 

This Present Moment Is What Holds The Keys To Your Freedom.

Are you fully here now? Are you reading this post with every fabric of your being? Or are you drifting off in thought thinking about all the never ending items on your To-Do list? Coming back into your heart and your now moment with total awareness is how you calm the mind and find yourself and your real passion. Self discovery (and recovery) is the realization that you already are WHOLE and COMPLETE just as you are. Right here and now you HAVE all that you need to have to be happy and at ease. You're a living and breathing Human Being. You are here in a physical body having a spiritual experience in this amazing realm called Earth. You have the gift of LIFE and the divine itself in your very being and this is something that deserves to be celebrated in every moment! Just focusing on this fact alone is enough to satisfy and blossom love and happiness into your life. But the problem is, as we all know by now, the EGO of today is never satisfied. There will always be more to do. More to have. More to accomplish. The biggest task of your life requires you to step into full awareness of the present and direct your mind into appreciation of what is GOOD right now in your life. Stop focusing on what's wrong and instead put your focus on what's RIGHT. This is the gateway back to your inner FLOW.

What do I mean by flow? I mean the ability to ALLOW your dream life to manifest before your very eyes all without the need for strain and sacrifice... all without the ridiculous pain and effort that you've been taught was a "requirement". I can state for a fact that all the best things in my life have come from a place of total surrender; A place of allowance. A place of following my heart. A place of total ease and faith. This is the flow that I am speaking of. When you can master coming into the present moment and make this your ONLY real task of the day, you'll discover that INSPIRATION arises naturally within your being and suddenly you'll find yourself actually WANTING to take action and finally create the life of your wildest dreams. Notice how different the word inspiration feels rather than EFFORT? It's Night and Day. The difference in the quality of "work" produced from the Flow-State rather than the Force-State is shocking. The Flow-State comes from soul, grace, and joy whereas the Force-State comes from ego, lack, and constriction. Your divine flow is always accessed through the power of this Present Moment. The power of your HEART, not your head...

When was the last time you felt inspired? When was the last time you felt a sense of passion and vitality surge through your whole being? For most, this quality of living has been something that has been long forgotten, only to be replaced by mediocrity and numbness. This happens by default simply because people have been directing their mind in a totally counter-productive way. They've literally been strangling the life out of their soul by focusing on all the wrong things and going about life with an "upstream" mindset. Eventually this way of living causes people to totally disassociate from their pain and settle for a life of dullness. These are all just habits of thinking and habits of doing. The good news is; habits CAN always be changed. All it takes is the willingness and courage to try a new approach. 

In order to actually make this profound change in your life and actually FEEL a sense of relief, guidance, and inspiration, you've got to make a habit of remembering that FLOW is 100X more powerful than FORCE. Learn how to gently guide your mind back to a place of rest and satisfaction in the here and now regardless of where you currently find yourself in relation to your big dreams. Embrace your now moment fully. Find satisfaction in your breath and in the little things of life. Realize that you will always be provided for every single step of the way and all you have to do is master your energetic state. Get yourself into a place of consistent receptivity and ease. This is the true secret to the Law of Attraction. Your vibration and state of being are things that need to be consciously maintained... otherwise you set yourself up for falling back on old habits and default ways of living. Make cultivating this inner feeling of wholeness and fullness totally unconditional. Because in reality, there are no such conditions that can fix your inner world. By living through rhythm and flow, taking the steps toward building your dream life comes from a place of non-resistance and joy rather than determination. Even if it takes several hours to get yourself into a place of receptivity and ease, the quality of doing that arises from your heart rather than your mind will be well worth this deliberate practice. At the end of your life you're not going to care about all your achievements and stuff you have in your garage; you're going to care about how well you spent your time on this Earth. How deeply you FELT. How many core memories you created by being totally PRESENT with your mind, body, and spirit. This is what this life is really about. Remember this fact and make your main goal about maintaining presence and daily PLAY in your life. This will naturally guide you into the Flow-State and you will naturally find yourself "Falling Into" doing the right thing, at the right place, at the right time, meeting the right people, and of course, saying the right things. It's all divine. How much perfection are you ready to allow into your life? How much resistance are you willing to drop? How much pleasure and grace are you capable of cultivating for yourself and others? This is the key. Ac

Find a way to savor where you are. Find a way to enjoy each step you take toward building the life of your dreams and you will have discovered the heart's greatest secret to success. The Flow-State. Another note to make here is that the flow-state thrives on acts of service. On stepping outside of yourself in order to SERVE humanity. Think about the gifts that you are here to provide to the world. Think about others. Think about what it feels like to truly make your mark on this Earth and to know in your heart that you made a difference... this is what it means to bring your gifts to the world. This is why you came at this exact moment. This world needs you. Humanity needs you. But you've got to step outside yourself and let go of all forms of selfishness and greed that you have been taught. Ironically when you live your life from a place of giving and gratitude, you'll find that the world provides everything you could ever need to thrive. Go ahead and give it a try. Give your gift to someone because it truly feels good in your heart not because you're seeking something in return. Ask yourself what this world needs that you have to offer. Meditate on this deep question. Do this often and you may find yourself slipping into the flow-state in times where you least expect it. 

The creation of all of your most awesome dreams begin in the here and now. They begin by activating the vibration of them in this moment. By touching that sacred place of wholeness within your soul and embodying it fully to the point where doubt and lack is just a part of your past. This moment holds the power that you've been searching for. Wherever you are in your life, EMBRACE it. It's all for your personal journey. It's all for your evolution. Happiness and Love begin RIGHT NOW. Let go of thoughts of lack and choose to dive deeper into the endless waters of your own heart. The waters of your soul; the waters of your natural flow.

With Love & Grace,

~ Austin


Choosing Confidence


Becoming A Conscious Consumer