Thinking VS Knowing

Have you ever had a gut feeling about someone or something, ignored that feeling, and then realized afterwords that your gut was actually right? Of course you have. What you're experiencing whenever you have a gut instinct is known around the spiritual community as intuition. And yes, we all have this amazing ability of intuition. Some call it our sixth sense or third eye. Whatever your prefer to call it, the intuitive knowing that dwells within your mind and body is a powerful gift and it acts as a guiding light for you while you're here on Earth. Intuition operates as your own personal channel to the divine. It has the ability to instantly scan your environment and relay vital information back to you in the forms of emotion, insight, and/or physical sensations. Of course, some people are more tapped into this gift than others, but everyone has some form of gut instinct and anyone can choose to fine tune this ability to the point of acute accuracy. For example, whenever my woman and I are in sync with each other we can accurately guess the number and color on each other's mind. That's how powerful intuition is. Some use it to predict the future. Some use it to read other people's energy. Business executives use it during multi-million dollar deals. Inventors use it to forge their new inventions. Artists use it every time they access their creativity. There's a wide array of uses for your own intuition, but the first question to ask yourself is this:

If intuition is so powerful, why do we ignore it? Why do we deny our own inner wisdom?

The majority of people have clouded their special gift by overthinking, lack of sleep, poor diet, stress, technology addictions, environmental poisons, and a variety of other unhealthy habits. In today's high tech and high stress age we have become more disconnected from our inner wisdom than ever before. Overwhelmed by massive amounts of information being downloaded to us from all angles, we have consequently started searching outside ourselves for answers to our own complex inner puzzles. Anxious and over-stimulated, we turn to countless doctors for health advice, we ask our best friend for input on our relationship, we plead to our professors for guidance on our careers... all of this acts to further disconnect us from our deep connection to our own INNER KNOWINGwithin. This blog post is all about helping you to uncover, or at least start to recognize, the comforting inner guidance of your own powerful intuition. 

Our lives today are filled with many more distractions than our wiser and more connected ancestors. In recent decades we've managed to develop our technology so far that we've literally become dependent on it. This has caused us as a species to regress mentally and spiritually to the point of major misalignment. Today we are constantly surrounded by the buzz and hum of notifications, big brand jingles, and the increasing pressure to accomplish and over-achieve. All of this noise puts a strain on our already exhausted body and mind. As a result, our intuition becomes hazy, dull, and worst of all, confused with common thoughts. Living with a clouded intuition causes our life to become scattered in all directions. A vessel without a captain begins to drift at sea, and that's exactly what's happening to us on a daily individual basis. Our focus has become consumed with overthinking and it seems no matter how much action we force ourselves to take, we just can't seem to push through into the next awesome chapter of our lives. Whenever intuition becomes confused with thought, your choices and decisions never seem to feel "right" to you. A foggy intuition can cause a big mess of your life if you're not careful. It's this lack of clarity where indecision and lack of direction are born from. I can't tell you how many purchases or bad decisions I've made simply because I ignored my gut instinct and instead chose to neglect my inner truth. As I'm sure you know, it's a sucky feeling to make a mistake when you truly knew better about a person or situation. The good news is, learning from moments like these is eventually what causes you to begin to honor your own inner wisdom, instead of burying it under thought.

Our intuitive sense of knowing is so powerful, so vast, and yet, we constantly doubt our ability to perceive beyond logic itself. It's as if we've become so consumed by this 3D world that we're living in, that we actually forget to make use of our innate inner wisdom. I believe we are all much wiser beyond our years. Many of us have lived a multitude of lives here on Earth and yes, even on other planets. I believe we always have access to this vast lifespan of information which not only comes from us, but also source itself. When we can finally teach ourselves to KNOW instead of THINK, a vast window of information, creativity, and truth suddenly becomes accessible to us. The trouble is, most of us have been taught to THINK instead of KNOW. In this faulty way of living, we never truly wind up with any real satisfying answers to our questions in life. Using logic to "solve" our never ending problems instead of opening our direct channel to the universe, is exactly what keeps us stuck in the cycle of anxiety, worry, and depression. Opening your mind to rise above your problems and simply KNOW what it is you're actually searching for, is precisely what it means to become a fully independent being. Independence means you've taken back your right to thrive and make decisions that resonate with YOU and you alone. That sounds a lot like freedom to me. Imagine for a moment never again having to seek outside advice on your career, health, or relationships. Can you feel how liberating it is to fully embody your personal truth? Can you grasp how easy life would be if you made decisions based from clarity instead of confusion?

First things first though, how do we learn to separate Common Thought from Intuitive Knowledge?

Whenever a problem or situation arises in your life where you need to make a choice or decision, the best thing for you to learn to do is go with your first initial gut reaction. Your intuition communicates with you on so many levels, it's only a matter of learning to tune in and listen to the subtle voice coming from your soul. Before your mind has a chance to kick into overdrive about all the potential right or wrong choices, your intuition already KNOWS the answer that's best for you. There's a small window between problem and solution where intuition holds the key to perfect alignment and balance. You've just got to find your own way to access that small insightful space before thought kicks in. Most of us actually have a very clear sense of who we are and what we want, it's only the mind that tries to convince us otherwise. Whenever we are faced with a diverse set of choices in life, it's easy to crank up the mind and begin to over-analyze and study each and every possible outcome. This is the primal brain at work. Unfortunately the primal brain has little room for pleasure or fun. It's only concern is your basic survival. The more you get stuck in your thoughts, the more you'll realize how many of your thoughts are fear-based in their nature. Overthinking is how most people make decisions; this is the uncomfortable place of overwhelm and reactivity. There's nothing wrong with feeling into potential outcomes in order to make an educated decision, but you'll find the more you linger in the analytical mind, the more diluted your sense of inner knowledge becomes. That's because intuition arises in an impulse or flash of instant cognition and insight. The longer you deny that impulse, the more you give yourself room to negotiate the "safest" and most "logical" life path. Unfortunately this usually means denying the call from your heart and soul. This is why living consumed by thought feels so awful. Whenever you deny your intuition, you're essentially saying no to the divine. By not trusting yourself, you close off to the magic of the universe and the spark of life quickly flutters out.

Most people spend way too much time analyzing rather than living. Analyzing is a mind-based energy whereas intuition is a heart-based energy. Can you feel the truth in that? Your heart is your center of self in the physical body and when you spend your days wrapped up in your head, you actually miss out on the joy of living fully in the present moment. The inner peace that comes from a strong intuition is like drifting down the smooth current of the river of life. By welcoming this river into your life, you simply know and trust that everything will work out for you. You just have to practice Letting Go of the oars. When you can stop pushing against the current of your life, you'll find that life takes you exactly where you need to be. There's no point in trying to control every little detail... that's impossible and not to mention, a waste of your vital life force. Intuition is the deepest knowledge you can carry. Thoughts are based on programming. If you were raised with a faulty system of negative beliefs, your thoughts simply cannot be trusted. They will always guide you away from your heart rather than towards it. Unless you can learn to Think Deliberately, your mind will continue to operate on auto-pilot. (More on Deliberate Thinking in a separate blog post.) As I'm sure you know through direct experience, when the mind is running wild, the thoughts it's thinking are usually "worst-case scenario" thoughts. Decisions made from this place of being almost always turn out to have negative repercussions. Don't think. Simply Know.

Knowledge Is Power. How many times have you heard that quote? What was actually meant by this saying is Intuition Is Power. Those who learn to follow their gut with accuracy are those who wind up living their Highest Timeline. If you can learn to find stillness in the mind, your intuition will begin to communicate to you much more clearly. Intuition can sometimes communicate in a whisper, whereas the mind communicates to you in a scream. The trick is within learning to intentionally disassociate from the mind so you can detect its false alarms. 

As your direct connection to source, intuition is felt most prominently when the mind is at ease. This is done through re-connecting to the present moment and your physical body. This is why I say go with your first gut reaction in situations. Before the mind has time to trigger doubt, you must be able to recognize your original impulse. Doubt acts as a venom injecting itself into your intuitive knowledge. Anytime your doubt yourself or your instincts, you are essentially shooting yourself in the foot... Ouch. You must learn to honor yourInner Magician. Deep within you is the answer to any question you may have. If you can learn to search within and set aside the mind's chatter, you'll find your unlimited source of wisdom calmly awaiting you to access it. It is said that when we no longer search outside ourselves for problems to be solved, the solutions seem to magically appear. It's not ironic that some of the most famous scientists have come to their biggest breakthroughs not in moments of deep contemplation or analyzing data, but rather, in moments of rest and recovery. In other words, rehashing our problems over and over only serves to create more problems.  

We must not be afraid to make mistakes. When you first begin your journey with intuition it can be easy to mistake your gut with your mind. Since we've been long indoctrinated to identify with our thoughts, it's easy to confuse common thoughts with intuition. If you make a mistake, pick yourself back up and dust yourself off. With time you'll learn to widen the window between your mind and your soul. It just takes a little time and patience. When you finally give your mind a chance to breathe, you'll be surprised by how fast your intuition flashes insight to you. The biggest difference between thinking and knowing is that thinking most often feel draining, whereas knowing feels like relief and enlightenment. In time you'll actually be able to feel the difference between the two based upon your emotional state. Rumination is a total energy drain. It is said that we only access 10% of our brains. I believe this is because the other 90% is consumed by unnecessary thought, stress, and rumination. Do yourself a favor, begin to access that extra 90%. Do your best to still your mind, begin to trust your inner wisdom, and watch how perfectly your life unfolds... it's just like magic.

Side Note: Intuition communicates through the "Clairs" which are as follows...

CLAIRVOYANCE (clear vision) -- To reach into another vibrational frequency and visually perceive "within the mind's eye" something existing in that realm. A clairvoyant is one who receives extrasensory impressions, and symbols in the form of "inner sight" or mental images which are perceived without the aid of the physical eyes and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space. 

CLAIRAUDIENCE (clear hearing) -- To perceive sounds or words and extrasensory noise, from sources broadcast from spiritual or ethereal realm, in the form of "inner ear" or mental tones which are perceived without the aid of the physical ear and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space. 

CLAIRSENTIENCE (clear feeling) -- To perceive information by a "feeling" within the whole body, without any outer stimuli related to the feeling or information. Also known as Empathy, an empath is a person who can psychically tune in to the emotional experience of a person, place or animal. Empaths tune into the vibrations and "feel" the tones of the aura.

CLAIRTANGENCY (clear touching) -- More commonly known as psychometry. To handle an object or touch an area and perceive through the palms of one's hands information about the article or its owner or history that was not previously known before hand.

CLAIRSCENT (clear smelling) – To smell a fragrance/odor of substance, frequency, entity, or food which is not in one's surroundings. These odors are perceived without the aid of the physical nose and beyond the limitations of ordinary time and space.

CLAIRGUSTANCE (clear tasting) -- To taste a substance without putting anything in one's mouth. It is claimed that those who possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

Which of these Clairs do you find your intuition uses most to comm

Much Love,

~ Austin


Drop The Thought


The Power of Surrender